
We hope you enjoy what we have to pretend to say.

And don't get us wrong, we love this man! This is more of a homage to his greatness. He's the Chuck Norris of our generation, you know, without the radical, right-wing craziness and the desire to become the president of Texas when they "inevitably" secede from the U.S.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Audacity of My Personal Chef

Woke up a bit hungry tonight. Of course, being the president, I've heard the rumor that if I get hungry in the middle of the night, I can go down to the kitchen and my personal chef will whip something up. So, I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. When I got down there, I must admit, I was a bit surprised to find a completely empty room. I called for the chef but no one was around. So I went upstairs and woke Michelle. I said, "Honey, I think someone has stolen our chef." She said that the chef goes home at 9 and that the whole personal-chef-midnight-snack thing was just a "stupid" rumor. So I went back downstairs. And now here I am. The leader of the free world. Sitting in my EMPTY kitchen. Updating my blog while waiting for my Eggos to finish toasting.

The audacity of some people!